Welcome to the third in a series of Youth4Peace E-consultations, which aim to gather inputs by young people and other stakeholders on a broad range of topics connected to the role of young people in sustaining peace, and the UN Security Council Resolution 2250 on youth, peace and security.

From 19 May to 8 June 2017, we will be focusing on youth political participation for peaceful and inclusive societies

How to Take Part
To contribute - and/or read comments - to the e-Consultation please sign-in. If you are not a member, you can sign-up here. Once you have signed in, you will be able to post your comments at the bottom of this page.

If you would prefer to keep your responses confidential, you can use a nickname when creating your profile, but we would be grateful if you can include your age in your response for statistical purposes and analysis.

We invite you to comment on one or more of the below questions, and are especially interested in reading about concrete examples, lessons learned and reflections on policy and next steps.

Contributions to all E-Consultation topics will feed into a Consolidated Reply that will expand the knowledge base available on the role of young people in sustaining peace and support the development of the Progress Study on Youth, Peace & Security mandated by UNSCR 2250.

Topic 3: Youth political participation for peaceful and inclusive societies
  1. What role are young peacebuilders playing throughout the electoral cycle (before, during and after elections)?

  2. How can they best contribute to peaceful elections and political participation?

  3. What are innovative youth-led initiatives, formal and informal, to enhance youth political participation?

  4. How can young people’s role and influence in decision-making be enhanced?

Meet the Moderators!


Aleida Ferreyra

Electoral Policy Specialist
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)


Lluís Juan Rodríguez

Independent Expert
Elections and Democratic Governance